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dearest caridearest cari, the spite of fate be thou marry and free from hate faintest flow'r, thy eyes are bright in the shower of your warm light quiet beauty, so soft your voice e'er so sultry--thy form is choice dearest cari, so full of joy be not wary--with life do toy pretty siren, oh sing thy call life not barren when you stand tall lovely sparrow, thy wings may hold in your marrow the tale i told dearest cari, the spark of life like a fairy--the bane of strife flowing river, thy face is clear thou are silver--i wish you near a shining moon, thou art aglow be here soon and you will grow— February 9, 1991 (April 4, 1992) login to post comments
( categories: Life )
I've always been crazy, but it's kept me from going insane.
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